Art Spells in the E. Village Kofi Forson October 2020 FUZZ GLASS (POET, PHILOSOPHER, SEDUCER): ART SPELLS IN EAST VILLAGE, NYC Fuzz Glass was alter ego of art writer, poet and playwright, Kofi Fosu Forson. He existed between the hard, grinding years of life in East Village, New York City, during the fall season of the year, 2011 to late 2012. On a typical night when late artist and painter, Joe Heaps Nelson and artist, saxophonist and publisher of Whitehot Magazine, Noah Becker and Kofi had gotten together for a drink at the local bar, 2A, Kofi hardly knew it was going to be a night unlike any other when his life would change. Their conversations drifted between the art scene; current gallery openings, art gossip, all the while they humored Kofi, who almost always seemed manic, outrageous in his persona, being not so much life of the party, rather with fault and responsibility, he was the punch line to the equations drawn from all the rhetoric about artists and their neuroses; Ko...