SOCIAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK Artist: Kofi Forson Kofi Fosu Forson is writer and artist who identifies as para-meta-modernist and whose writing explores subjects of posttrauma, postshock and ongoing transformation from realm of post-white shock. His current manuscript, Ghost of Brother Blackburn, was triggered by an encounter with Caucasians in traditionally black environments, examples of modern gentrification. At Gun Hill Road stop, red-headed woman, business suit and heels, typed on PC I had become animal – horror in my eyes, laugh-less hyena, burnt-throated, fang Mid-western, rugged good looks, charismatic man reading, slouched and stared Room of black faces, I sat paranoid, clay-figure, senior-citizened, scatter-brained Only black character in a Fassbinder film – decolonizing his way up Boogie-down Dead-tired, consciously black, feeling blood boil next to hyper-real, strong men Stress from brother is blackness in coffee cup; the kind you heave against a wall Hurt ...